All faculty, staff, employees, volunteers and students are responsible for adhering to the KMUSC parking rules and regulations, as well as, all posted signage |
All KMUSC faculty, staff, employees, volunteers and student vehicles parked in any structure or lot must display a valid parking permit on their front windshield with the permit number facing outward for their assigned parking location. |
Failure to comply with this policy may result in progressive discipline up to and including suspension/revocation of parking privileges and/or towing of the offender’s vehicle at the vehicle owner’s expense. |
Effective January 19, 2016, on-call staff will adhere to the following process for parking when called back to the facility for a work assignment:
Effective July 1, 2017, only staff working night shift, as designated by department Director-level or above, will be authorized to access the Keck Hospital Parking Structure. Staff assigned to park offsite will be required to continue to park at their designated parking location, which is specified on their assigned parking permit.
Employees visiting the KMUSC campus for patient care services:
Special Accommodations
All designated KMUSC night shift staff assigned to the Keck Hospital Parking Structure are to enter the parking structure off Alcazar St. through the staff/faculty parking entrance. |
KMUSC employees are not authorized to park in the patient/guest parking locations. Employees found parking in patient/guest parking locations will be reported to the appropriate department director for disciplinary action, including suspension, suspension of parking privileges, and/or termination of employment.
Traffic regulatory signs must be followed at all times |
Maximum speed within campus lots and structures is limited to 5 mph unless signage is posted otherwise |
Roller blades or skateboards are not permitted in or around the parking structure, or pedestrian traffic areas |
Bicycles must not be ridden except on designated roadways and must be parked in the racks provided. Designated bicycle racks are located on the lower level of the Keck Hospital parking structure, near the Keck Parking Operations office, and on the Plaza Level adjacent to Healthcare Center 2 (HC2) and the Norris Healthcare Center 3 (HC3). |
Keck Hospital Parking Operations issues parking permits for the Keck Hospital Parking Structure and the designated off-site parking lots surrounding the KMC campus. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
All staff, physicians, volunteers, contracted staff, and students who are authorized to park in any of the surrounding parking lots or structures on campus, must display a valid parking permit at all times.. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
All valid permits/passes must be properly displayed. Designated permit holders are provided transferable hanging permits which must be hung from the rear-view mirror at all times with the permit number facing outward. Improperly displaying your permit may subject you to a citation issued by the University of Southern California Enforcement division. Citations issued by USC Enforcement are reported to the Department of Motor Vehicles. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
The permit is not to be defaced, altered or reproduced under any circumstance. You must display an original permit issued by the Keck Hospital’s Parking Operations office in your vehicle. Permits, which have been altered or reproduced in any manner, may subject the assigned permit holder to a citation by USC Enforcement. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
More than one vehicle may be registered for each user. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
It is the responsibility of the permit holder to transfer this permit to any car that will be parked in the structure or designated parking lots. All vehicles must be registered with Keck Hospital Parking Operations prior to transferring the permit. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
The permits are numbered, have a yearly expiration date, and are color-coded/labeled for ease in identification::
Parking Permit Types:For volunteers, students, travelers, and contracted staff designated to park in the Valley Parking Lot. With the exception of volunteers, parking fees will apply.
KMUSC employees assigned by Keck Hospital Parking Operations to an offsite parking location that wish to transfer may contact the Keck Parking Operations office to request to be placed on the waiting list for closer parking. Space is based on availability, and will be on a first-come first-serve basis.
The waiting list does not apply to volunteers, interns, contracted or University employees. |
A picture ID badge is used for identification purposes and for access into KMUSC access-secured facilities, and parking lots/structures. In order to receive an ID badge:
Issuance/Replacement of ID Badges-ID badges are issued and replaced by Keck Hospital Parking Operations.
Authorized Medical Student Programs, and Instructors - will be provided parking at no cost at one of the designated offsite parking locations.. Information on these lots may be obtained in the Hospital’s Parking Operations office. An authorization form must be obtained from the Medical Staff office. A temporary pass or an ID badge (access card) will be issued depending on the length of time the student will be at Keck |
Residents/Fellows - will be provided parking at no cost in the parking structure. Residents/Fellows will be issued an ID badge (access card) that will be activated during their rotation period at Keck. Residents and Fellows must pay a non-refundable payment of $15.00 for an ID badge, which must be turned in with the parking permit at the end of the rotation. Medical Staff will issue the authorization form validating the dates and provide a list to Security for record purposes. |
University Gold Card Parking - The Gold Card is available to retirees with at least 10 years of benefits-eligible employment at the university and who are 55 years or older upon completion of employment at USC. This is a privilege for those who have honorably served USC for many years.
Volunteers - will be provided parking at no cost in one of the designated offsite parking locations.. Information on these lots may be obtained in the Hospital’s Parking Operations office. |
Guild/Auxiliary Members - will be provided parking at no cost in one of the designated offsite parking locations. Information on these lots may be obtained in the Hospital Parking Operations office. |
Vendors/Contractors - All contractors or vendors providing a service to any of the KMUSC facilities must pay for parking.
Authorized Validation Parking
Parking will not be covered under these circumstances listed below
Departments who wish to provide validations may submit their request by completing the Validation Approval Request form. Forms may be emailed to:
Validations will be billed back at the cost of the service in which the department would like to be validated for (i.e., Keck Parking Structure is $8.00 for 11 hours, Keck Valet service is $15.00).
The list of Authorized Departments is as follows:
Authorized Validation Department
Validation Type
In order to provide an adequate number of parking spaces for all users and a safe environment, Parking Operations will strictly enforce the letter and spirit of all the aforementioned parking/traffic safety policies and procedures. Failure to comply with any of the procedures in this policy will result in the issuance of a citation and the escalation of corrective measures for subsequent violations as indicated hereafter:
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Parking Operations will oversee the enforcement of the following rules. Fines are based on code levels.
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Concerns regarding parking violations may be brought to the attention of the Parking office. There is an appeal process for those who feel they have received a citation in error. (See below.) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Certain parking violations may require further disciplinary action. Actions, such as vehicles parked in a “non-designated” parking area/space such as: parking structure driveway, unassigned Reserved Parking Spaces, red zones, handicap (blue) space without a properly displayed handicap-decal license plate, handicap access (white-striped) spaces, etc.., will receive a WARNING Notice indicating that the vehicle in violation is parked in a non-designated parking space. The vehicle’s information is than recorded in a database which is populated in the Parking Operations office | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
After the initial warning, should a vehicle continue to park in a “non-designated” parking area/space, the vehicle may be immobilized, towed, or the vehicle owner may lose the ability to park in the Keck Parking Structure. The penalties are listed as follows:
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Should an employee request to be reinstated prior to the suspension re-instatement date, a memorandum for Reinstatement of Parking Privileges must be written/addressed to the KMUSC Parking Committee indicating the reasoning for early reinstatement. Before a memorandum can be considered, all parking citation fees/fines must be paid in full. In addition, the Parking Committee must unanimously agree on the reinstatement of Parking Privileges. |
Any individual receiving a citation and who honestly believes that the citation is unwarranted or unjust may complete a Keck Parking Citation Appeal form which can be obtained from Parking Operations |
An appeal must be initiated within 30 days from receipt of the citation in question. Submittal of a completed appeal form will temporarily suspend action and the corresponding timeline of the citation. |
The Parking Services Manager along with the parking committee members will review the appeal within 10 working days from the date of receipt. |
Failure to pay your citation can result in a fee debit from your employee payroll check to satisfy the outstanding citations and/or vehicle immobilization or impound charges. |
Overseeing issuance of warning citations for all parking/traffic violations. |
Maintaining accurate and complete records of all citations issued in the Parking Access Management Database. |